The Unity of United Unions of Auditor General's department says that calling to parliament for questioning of auditor general could not be accepted because he is an independent person. This was revealed by the Unity of United Unions of Auditor General's Department press conference on explaining the government liabilities included in the report of auditor general after revealing the 2015 annual report of the Ministry of Finance to the parliament.
The unity said that still no act for stop mal-use of money by the government and community is the phase who prejudice by this. They said that, politicians not adopt the act for their advantages and because of this, paths to stop corruptions have closed.
Auditor General is the second person who comes after the Chief Justice and there is no power to the ministers to bring him to the parliament and question him, they further noticed. Auditor General not limit the liabilities, but if it goes beyond limits he can inform the relevant sections.
Media man asked that if there is any blame to the Auditor General and Unity said there is no such an incident reported.